
Sickness Policy

We recognise that there will be times when employees cannot attend work due to illness and we aim to strike a reasonable balance between the needs of the business and the needs of employees who are sick.

There are strict expectations on how absence is reported and managed which you must familiarise yourself with. If you are poorly and unable to come to work, or have an ongoing medical condition, you should telephone your line manager as early as possible.

Our Sickness Absence Policy outlines how such sickness absence is managed. Short-term and long-term sickness absence will be robustly and fairly managed. Short-term sickness absence is defined as absence lasting 1 day to 3 weeks whereas long-term sickness absence is defined as absence exceeding three weeks.

We reserve the right to request medical information from your doctor or refer you to Occupational Health where sickness absence is recurrent and/or ongoing.

Absences that have not been notified according to the sickness absence reporting procedure will be treated as unauthorised absence and dealt with under our Disciplinary Procedure.

Your punctuality reflects on your commitment, work ethic and organisational skills. Your Manager will use appropriate means to record attendance; employees should be at their place of work, ready to start work at normal starting time.

National Express attaches great importance to punctuality.



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